@Emma the ladies I work with at preschool and the other childminders all celebrate maxis little wins, like the first time he joined in with singing at toddler group and all the minders got a bit emotional watching him and they all seen him at his worse too! We have friends that we thought would totally get maxi but they can’t be bothered with him cos he doesn’t talk to them like our older children do!
@Laura absolutely. My friends invite us to things and then get so judgy when I say I know it won’t work for him. I can’t just take him round to peoples houses as it makes him anxious and uncomfortable. Or my friends friend has a daughter a similar age and lives near me and she always invites us to the park and they can’t get round that he won’t play with her child! He doesn’t even play at the park the way a typical child does!
I love this Laura ❤️❤️ completely get it
💯💯 yesterday the lady at nursery told me how fun he was even though he can’t communicate. I know it’s nursery and their job but you kind of expect people not to grasp his amazing qualities because of all his challenges. I always got upset thinking they don’t get to see him at his best and laughing! But the person that supports him cried seeing him singing happy birthday with everyone and it made me realise that they celebrate him like me! There are people who are my close friends who I thought would be like family to him but I don’t think they get him! I love them but I love people that love my son 110% more!