Yes! My baby boy is 3.5 months old and has been going through this too
Same here my boy is same 🤤
Yes, mine has been doing that for the past week. Super fussy during feeds and, overall, trouble sleeping, too. No teeth yet, though. She has her 4month doctor appointment tomorrow. I will be discussing with her.
My baby boy turned 4m on the first and he’s definitely teething. You can see a little bit of white in his gums at the bottom
Yes!! Baby girl is def teething. Breastmilk popsicles are a big help for her right now, same with the little handheld teether mit
Yes I my 4 month old is teething so much it’s not funny. Drooling everywhere and he is so cranky now
My 4 month old has his two front fangs starting to poke through. It’s tough!
I thought this but my pediatrician said it’s normal for babies to drool a lot at this age because their digestive system is maturing! And they chew on things to explore the textures of things so it could just be that. Especially if there is no fever or crankiness involved!
My baby is 3.5 months old and has been teething since he turned 3 months. Or at least thats what I think it is. He’s been drooling so much, fussy, aggressively puts things in his mouth to suck on them (like the bottle nipple, teethers, or pacifiers), clingier, and Ive noticed he’s been napping a-lot more. Anyone else?
I can’t see any teeth in her mouth but she drools so much! And is constantly chewing on her hands or a chewing mitt thing. She’s not fussy either.