Have you had baby properly checked for a tongue tie? That can cause reflux Also is there any other unusual symptoms as an allergy is usually 2 or more symptoms But as your ebf you can cut dairy from your diet for a few weeks then reintroduce to se eif that helps
From my experience it was cmpa, egg, soya, and peanut allergy
Sounds like reflux. My son suffered with it from birth too. It's worth talking to your GP about. They usually describe some form of anti-acid like Gaviscon or Omoperazole. With my son he had reflux and would projectile all his bottles, that stopped and we thought he'd outgrown it but at around 2-3 months, he developed silent reflux instead and was screaming in pain after every bottle, his was diagnosed as CMPA
My youngest has been like this. The GP wasn’t interested as she’s 99th centile and has stayed on her line the whole time 🙄 No other symptoms and she’s content, had her tongue tie cut at 1 week old but it didn’t fix it. I checked with an IBCLC and she said it can just be an immature digestive system and she’ll eventually grow out of it. At nearly 7 months she has improved a lot, some days she’s sick a few times now but most days she’s not anymore, vs projectile vomiting several times a day before. I do sympathise, the laundry alone is a nightmare!
Likely reflux. We suffered until he started weaning at 6m old as no matter how many times I brought it up, professionals weren't bothered because he was gaining weight 🙃
My son was the same and it was reflux, he ended up needing reflux milk as it was thicker so stayed down in his stomach easier
My daughter was sick after every single day feed (not night for some reason) until she was about 6.5 months. Sometimes just a dribble, others an ounce or so but never a full feed. It's only in the last month it's stopped
Every feed and looks like almost the full thing….id get it looked into more. Try eliminating things from your diet for a few days to see if it helps. Dairy, onion/garlic, and no spicy. I got a lot of tests done on my daughter, tongue tie cut, I changed my diet, scans on her digestive tract’& Still nothing definitive there, but ultimately she needed surgery for her tonsils & adenoids which helped…plus just growing up out of whatever else the problem was
I would speak to health visitor and see if they can get you in to see an infant feeding specialist. Or if you can afford privately to see a lactation consultant to figure it out. It could be latch isn’t great and taking on air? It’s difficult without knowing full circumstance but if there’s no other symptoms, I wouldn’t be too concerned as long as good nappies and weight gain - they are clearly still getting what they need. My thought is that perhaps they are uncomfortable for some reason and are seeking comfort from feeding, even though they aren’t hungry, and then end up vomiting. It could help to see a baby/cranial osteopath to check for tightness. Or it could be sensitivities to something in your diet. Their stomach muscles should get better soon, but keeping them upright as long as possible after a feed will help.
Sometimes lactation consultants are partially covered by insurance. Yea the pediatricians weren’t helpful, we saw a pediatric gastroenterologist
My son was the same. I was convinced it was reflux but several doctors told me it couldn't be because he was healthy and gaining weight. It settled as soon as he started solids
My babies the same, she’s 7 months old and still doing it.. doctors aren’t concerned as she’s putting on weight still and is a healthy size, said she should grow out of it by 1yo
I’d say more than likely reflux, if there’s nothing else. My son was having lots of diarrhoea and also had bad eczema on his face which led us to CMPA!