Potty training

So my little boy is turning 3 very soon , he’s showing signs of wanting to potty train now , he’s done a few wees on the potty , how do i progress ? I feel I need to start taking him out of nappies so he just uses a potty,do you just leave him without a nappy ? I find it weird how he goes for a wee on the potty then we put a nappy on him after 🤔
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Yes, I took my daughter for a big girl drink and told her, when we go home we take the nappy off and use the potty as she is a big girl now. She was soooo excited and never looked back. I followed the oh crap, potty training method

Yeah my little girl just started this week I took her to buy some knickers and told her we’d be wearing them now instead of a nappy and she was so excited she’s not been in a nappy all week

My daughter has been potty trained since the week before her 2nd birthday, personally what worked best for us was planning a week at home and just left her all day with nothing on from the waist down, I kept reminding her to sit on the potty every half an hour and kept telling her if she needed a wee to sit on the potty, after the 2nd day she weed on the potty and I praised her for it so she knew she had done well, after 2 days of constantly using the potty I started putting her clothes back on and kept reminding her to go to the toilet, she’s now fully out of nappies during the day and during the night

@Mirka is that book good? I have watched videos and the one video looked she used that book.

I found the book very helpful. With any advice, you take what aligns with you and leave the rest but overall it gave me the tools to quickly potty train

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