I wore it inside and out. I’m not sure if that’s the same as the one I had, but it definitely looks similar. I did also have one of those fabric wrap things which offers a little more flexibility once you get the hang of it..but the babybjorn is much faster to put on I felt.
I used this with my first and it was good and easy to put on. I used outside and inside. It’s great because the clips slide in at the front rather than back and wraps/slings can be quite fiddly. I BF and so quite often she’d fall asleep and contact nap and it’s hard to then get into a carrier but you could have this on, feed and then manoeuvre a bit easier. Two things though… 1, It is not back friendly! No padding and so it’s not a long term option. It is great for newborn stage and a lot of other carriers are too big/bulky. My girl wasn’t even that big but by 8 weeks plus and especially wearing it for a while/on walks, it wasn’t good. 2, Try to buy secondhand, come up all the time for £20-60 and fully washable. I got the Artipoppe at 5 months (wish I’d upgraded sooner). Indulgent purchase but justified as koala baby and saved on other bits. Will still use this again for first 2 months as better for newborn. Love carriers and being hands free is great!
I had this with my first and only wore it outside to be honest. It is quite bulky for doing household tasks. We have a traditional sling for inside but baby was happier in the bassinet or bouncer