I had her at Pembury hospital.
This is handy to know and has helped me I just want what’s best for the little one xx
Absolutely do what’s right for you I just felt more control with having it booked and knowing that’s what’s to aim for, inductions tend to take time to build and can be quite painful, my friend was induced and had 5 long days of pains x
Ah ok this is handy to know I would like if I need to be to induced to have natural but whatever is better for baby at the time I’ll go with x
Thank you this definitely has helped
Hi Kirsty I had growth scans all through my pregnancy, I was just for certain having a small baby but they didn’t want me to go full term as for a smaller baby they are more reliant on the placenta so my options were to be induced or planned csetion I took the csection route as 50 percent of inductions end in csec anyway and induction puts the baby through unnecessary stress as they aren’t ready. Luckily I was booked for a csec on a Tuesday and my baby came on her own natural labour 4 days before x