I was due my c section on 3rd May so went off on 26th April. I would’ve gone off sooner if it hadn’t of been for the Easter holidays as I was wrecked by then x
I'm going 4 weeks early because I work from home and have a lot I want to change before baby comes. Also my first came early so it my head I have 2 weeks to get everything done and 2 weeks to hopefully rest and see what happens 😅
Thank you guys ❤️❤️
I wfh so am planning to work up until the last minute and try to save up all my A/L to add on to my Mat leave, however I think if I’m struggling I’ll use 2 weeks of it to leave early and relax, totally depends on how you are feeling!
@Emily for now I am okay, I’m due on the 4th of May but my placenta is low laying so I’m not sure if I’ll have a c section or a natural birth yet.. feel so in the dark with everything !
@Aliyah I’m in the same boat, due date is May 13th and so far so good but you never know what’s going to happen, I am making loose plans but making sure I don’t set my heart on anything just in case things don’t go my way! I think in the dark is the only way with childbirth, your body will do whatever it wants and needs regardless of your well thought out plans🥲😂
@Emily yes that’s definitely true! It’ll all be fine 🩷
Depending on when you want to finish work (I’m booked for a section 9th) so I’m finishing end of April, I’d put the 2 weeks in either prior to that and have 2 extra weeks off, or put it in right upto your due date. Then start your maternity from the day you’re due x
Yes for my first baby, I took two weeks annual leave and then started maternity leave from my due date!
I’m due end of April, but taking my mat leave from the 1st, with a week on annual leave at the end of March, so technically I’ll be off from the last week of March. If you’re due in May, you should get a whole new set of leave in April so you could attach that to the end of your maternity leave to have more time with your baby. That’s what I’m doing anyway xx
I am due on 4th May so have put my maternity start date request for 17th April which is 2 weeks before. As my annual leave entitlement doesn’t start until 1st May this will mean when I go back I will have this years and next years entitlement to use on my return. Only you can decide when to start your leave really depending on how you feel
If you’ve got AL, you could start mat leave a couple days before you’re due date. You get more time with your baby once they’re here and you can still use your AL the two weeks prior. It also depends how you feel. Im a teacher and was planning to work right up until the Christmas holidays (34 weeks) but ended up needing to take my mat leave 3 weeks earlier due to health reasons. I was also physically exhausted so probs would have taken early mat leave around that time anyway.