A week xx
3 days.
A week but months down the line has still doesn’t poo in the toilet but he has developed a routine of waiting till nappy is on just before bed so I think that’s a sign of him getting closer to doing it in the toilet! It’s not easy, he still has the odd accident a few times a week. He’ll be 3 on 14 March
Not even trying he has zero interest at all, only time he declared a wee is if his in the bath!
@Lisa wow that's fab any tips
@Soňa any tips
@Jodie pick out some underwear, talk about expectations and then commit! Get rid of the nappies and go for it, my daughter wet herself and absolutely hated the sensation so that made her want to not do it again.
@Jodie I just knew my LG was ready which I think is the most important but we did the first 3 days bottom free and then on day 4 pants, had the potty out months before we started and read lots of books about going on the potty and generally talk about it. She was always pulling on the nappy even when it she was dry saying she didnt want it on and actually since day 7 she was even dry at night so she's been completely nappy free for 9mo also we never had any accidents home or out I think that's being proper lucky🤣
It's a process but after couple days we just took the potty everywhere with us and every 30-45 mins I'd say it's time to try and if he went I'd give him a minstrel. After a month we stopped taking it everywhere. He still does have the occasional accident.. usually when he's busy doing something or with grandparents etc when he's excited It's work and sometimes people expect it to work after a few days and that's it.. it takes time and commitment.. doesn't happen straight away and with some consistency they do just learn it.. takes time. Also totally understand some children arnt ready but I think that phrase is used a lot these days and some people think of they're not getting it after a couple days they're not ready, it took us weeks and slow progress... But it worked and he got it with reading books about it and rewards. The poos took 6 weeks maybe.
3/4 days x
2/3 days. I tried twice before because I felt pressured and he just wasn’t ready. This time, he just sat on the potty one day and we’ve never gone back. We went out and I explained he had no nappy on anymore and he just understood. He’s had 1 accident at home in 3 weeks which was when he woke up from a nap and didn’t get to the potty in time but has had a few at nursery which is just the change in environment I think. My biggest tip would be wait on them being ready, don’t feel pressured and if you can see that they can hold their wee for periods of time, that’s when to start as they won’t wet themselves as often if they can hold it!
Does anyone else have carpet at home? I am really nervous about potty training as I’m worried about accidents on the carpet
We started in august and wouldn’t say he is 100% trained yet to be honest. But, if your question is more around how long should you stay at home for till he understands, I would say 2/3 days and you could still go to park or something, just take the potty
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1 month :)
@Famz yup and we started Monday and his like a cat on heat spraying the place 😮💨
@Anita yikess 😭
Three days but I waited until I knew they were 100% ready and never attempted anything beforehand x
About 5 days before I felt confident enough to leave the house. We did 3 days at home with nothing on her bottom half, then went to trousers but no pants for about a week. She seemed to catch on pretty quickly when she had nothing on her bottom half x