Something you just can’t help but judge?

I’ll go first: when someone who has had unprotected sex with no contraception says “oh my god I can’t believe it we’re pregnant I don’t know how this could happen I don’t know what to doooo”.
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Yeah same and circumcising unless for religious or medical reasons 🤷‍♀️

I stayed with my partner cos of the kids because I thought he’d stop cheating and treat me right one day🙄

Bringing new/multiple partners around the kid and saying it’s not the same as if the dad does this because you’re the mom 🫠

When someone gets into a bitch fit over how a stranger feeds their child

I judge people who drink (heavily) in front of their children on a frequent basis. Having a beer or a glass of wine is one thing, but there's no reason a 4 or 5 year old should be told to go grab mommy or daddy a beer from the fridge. They shouldn't even know what that is at that age.

When family members interfere with how you discipline or talk to your child

@Shalom agreed!!!!

@Jenna i understand this! but also i was about 6 getting my papa beers from the fridge 😅

I judge when a mum/dad prioritise their new/old partner over their child/ren... Specially when it comes to toxic/violent relationships... As soo many kids get taken away because of it and then they sit their still with said partner saying they don't know why the kids was taken /unable to have visitation

People that leave their kids with grandparents/sitters all the time to go out with friends or clubs/bars People that have a favorite child. And people that smoke around their kids.

And the 15% that said they dont judge are lying. Im judging u for choosing that option lmao. Theres at least one thing that everyone judges others on

People that physically discipline their kids. I don’t care what you call it, how gently you say you do it, however you try to rationalise it to me. It’s wrong, and I’ll judge you for choosing to do it.

@Chloe this, and the justification for it, I cannot ever accept it. There's just zero reason to ever.

I judge those SPECIALLY if they say it was an accident. Did you slip and fell riding a dick? Nah own your shit.

Finally a thread that I can judge in peace

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When I see parents smoking while pushing a pram & basically blowing the smoke in the baby’s face I want to SCREAM

@Olivia this🥹😭I saw one today On my way to pick up my toddler nd the disgusting look I gave him

Okay. Imma say it 😭. The Mom's that are always "Before we go, lemme smoke a bowl real quick." Smoke a bowl or hit a dab before we do ANYTHING WITH our kids- walk, park, store, car ride, craft project with the kids...anything. I can't help myself but to think "If this was the same behavior but with shots of alcohol, it would be a huge issue."

People who stuff their toddlers full of chocolate and sweets. Not talking the occasional treat, I mean the ones I see at multiple play groups every week being given as much chocolate they want at 10am. Then giving me a look when they offered my daughter one and I politely said ‘no thank you’. I was going to leave it at no thank you, but then they asked if she was alllergic, and I then replied ‘no I haven’t given her much chocolate yet, but thanks again’. And I was the one being judged for that 🤷‍♀️

Parents that "homeschool" but are lazy and not actually homeschooling. They're actually neglecting their child's education but always want to justify as some type of "alternative learning" like nah, you're just lazy 😭.

Having sex with your child in the bed… my cousin just admitted to me that she has sex with her bf (not baby’s dad) while co-sleeping with her 3 yr old daughter. I can’t help judging how she isn’t alarmed by her bf having a hard-on with her toddler inches away. Note that she was molested by her stepfather when she was younger so she shouldn’t be so naive. Like do it any other time you don’t have the child with you or go to another room !

When people pass their babies around at events. Like people you hardly know like that. Maybe it’s just me bc I was SA as a kid but it gives me MAJOR anxiety. And changing their kid in front of lots of people

@Ebunoluwa lol I do the same, can’t resist

People who take their kids to soft play when their kid is clearly ill and should be at home. I get that staying indoors after long periods can be stressful, but why you bringing your kid out with whooping cough/chest infection and snot running freely, into an environment where other children and babies are? 🙄

People that judge stay at home moms, claiming that they "have it easy", that they're "too lazy" to work and that's why they stay home, or judging the relationship of the provider and stay at home parent as being a parasitic one. Being the sole caretaker and primary parent is super hard work! If you think it's easy, then you aren't doing it right!

People who work long hours all week and then their children are at grandparents all weekend. I don’t know why they bother having kids, and the kids must feel like they aren’t wanted.

Juice in bottle. I won't judge any age baby/tofdler having milk in a bottle, but any other drink in a bottle I just find cringe and I can't help but judge in my head a little.

@Charlotte I feel your pain with this one! Tonight I decided to let my 18 month old have a cadburys chocolate yogurt treat as he’s been bad with the flu last week and he deserved it. He shared it with his cousin; but my family kept on giving him cookies afterwards when I said he’d had enough. They didn’t listen to me and I was judged for being too up tight with sugar 😒 not the first time this has happened. I also prefer to give my son water and my family ask me every time I see them why I don’t give him juice 🤷‍♀️ idk what they want me to say to this… I just…don’t? Xx

people that are rude and have gross behavior in public, specifically older people. you’ve lived all these years and you’re still an asshole who doesn’t have manners or social decency?

@Chloe yep so annoying

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@Kiera yep, it’s so frustrating! I didn’t give any chocolate before 18 months and when I finally let her try some at Christmas I got ‘has that poor girl finally had a taste of chocolate’?? I’m with you on the water thing, there’s just no need when they’re happy with water and milk.

Okay, another one (maybe I am judgemental 🥴🤔) Being overtly sexual/ overly sexual in front of children or minors 😖. Like out of all the times and places, why is your partner smacking your A** and making hyper sexual comments in front of your 3 year old. There's a time and place for it but in front of the kid's face? Come on now. Big thumbs down 👎. And yes. I've seen this. And then the Mom was upset because the kid asked the Dad to spank her butt like how he does with Mom 🤢🤮. Like a 3 year old SHOULDN'T be requesting that.

@Charlotte yeah exactly! He’s happy with his water and breastfeeds, he’s good, he doesn’t need juice just because other people give their children it. That’s up to them. But mine and my partners parenting style differs a lot from my side of the family and they undermine me quite a bit sometimes. That comment you mentioned about chocolate was very uncalled for, we’re our children’s parents , we decide what’s best for them xx

People who chose their partner over their child. A girl I used to know had her child put in care because she was doing things and they made her decide if she wants to keep her daughter or not and she chose to give her away and stay with her man 🙂

Women who get pregnant by men they barely know! Why the fuck would you allow a guy you hardly know to go in bare?! ESPECIALLY when you're not on any contraception!

@Daysha that’s absolutely horrifying. 😭

People who lose custody of their kids, doubly so if they don’t seem too fussed about it.

@Rebecca Those videos about gonorrhoea and all the STIs didn’t scare enough people.

@Neena my kids got RSV becsuse a mom took a VERY visibly ill child and then she didn't even watch her child. This child kept coming up to me and my 2 month old, shoving her face in my daughter's. She also stole my phone and my daughter's lovey. And she kept trying to take my whole stroller WITH my infant in it and push it around!!! 🙄🙄!

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