Universal credit / benefits

Hey girls, I’ve recently gone on maternity leave and I’m trying to work out which online calculator is the most accurate as they are all giving me different answers even though I’m putting in the exact same information - if you have used them / any , which was the most accurate for you?
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Can also do an accurate calculation for you if you are stuck xx

I used citizens advice and talked to someone on their live chat. They let me know about everything I can claim and how much universal credit I would get before putting in the application. Was so helpful

@Gosia oh perfect I’ll look into that, thank you!

@Lindsay I’ve seen someone else say this was best so I’ll do this tomorrow, thank you :)

entitledto is the one the jobcentre recommends 🩷

I've found EntitledTo to be pretty accurate

In case anyone wanted an update, I spoke to citizens advice and they gave me an answer most like EntitledTo ! Xx

entitled2 has been 100% for me! xx

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