I have a Ford kuga and boyfriend has a tesla. Not sure on budget, maybe £150? I keep seeing the joiie rotating one advertised. Is that any good? Thank you
He’s around the 25th to 50th centile for weight, do you know his height at all? There isn’t a spinning car seat I personally would recommend for £150, the Joie ispin 360, Britax swingfix and cybex sirona gi are all £200 or there abouts if you could stretch? If he is higher than the 50th for height then he will outgrow all of these before a safe HBB age xx
Hello, last time I got him weighed was 2 months ago and he was 7.35kg and he was on the 10th centil. I will get him weighed again soon and measure him. I can stretch to £200. I'll check his length and get back to you. Thank you
Hello, i got him weighed again this morning. He is 8.30kg and on the 9th centil. We are looking to invest in a seat and also get a cheaper one for my parents to use. Do you have any recommendations for both please?
@Becky what would your budget be per seat, any specifics you need? Isofix, rotates, belt only for parents etc?xx
Budget for us maybe £250 and for my parents £100? Both cars have isofix. Do the bases usually come separately or with the seat? Thank you
@Becky most of the reputable car seats, come with bases. There are a select few that are good brands and you can buy 2 bases for 1 car seat then just swap the seat to parents base x
Is this seat any good? https://www.thenurserystore.com/p/ickle-bubba-rotator-360-spin-group-0123-car-seat-black-0-12-years?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-aK8BhCDARIsAL_-H9kN33pnelnkWgdonyX6MxP22x2VN9kPW54IaToW6df_zXENi853up0aAjMdEALw_wcB
It’s not one I personally would put my own child in, for a 360 have a look at the cybex sirona GI and the Joie stages for mums car, however the stages is quite bulky x
Hello. Sorry I am still looking at these. Would you recommend this seat for a 8.3kg 1 years old? Thank you https://www.johnlewis.com/cybex-sirona-s2-i-size-car-seat/p6368031
Yeah it’s a good seat x
Budget? Car?x