Some questions !!

First time mum here and I have a few questions!! How many bottles should my son be on he’s currently having 3 but feel he’s ready to be cut down to 2 - he will be one at the end of February. When should I start introducing Cows milk? When should I stop giving him his baby bottles and give him a big boy bottle for his milk? He will drink his water out of a big boy bottle Sorry if these are silly just want to make sure we are on the right track 🤩 Thank you
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Following as also first time mum here and not sure of this myself! ❤️

My little girl turns one next Sunday! I'm in this group as she was meant to be a February baby but was 4weeks early. We started to introduce cows milk into her food at 10months her Weetabixs in the morning ect. Then when she turned 11months we did half formula half cows milk in her bottles she's on 8oz she has two bottles a day one before breakfast and one before bed she doesn't always finish these bottles but she's on 3 meals a day and snacks so will be getting full from them. Her morning bottle what ever isn't finished I use for her Weetabixs and top up with cows milk if I need anymore milk in the Weetabixs.Hope this helps

Sounds like you're doing great! Follow the babies lead on milk amounts, but 2-3 bottles sounds normal based on other posts on this group. You can use cows milk in their food already (from 6 months), and move across to cows milk drinks rather than formula at around 1. Despite having it in her breakfast, I had to do mixed bottles for a bit to get my first used to drinking it on its own, as she didn't like it when I tried to just move straight across. I'll probably start transitioning a week or so before 1, just because she starts nursery at 1 and that will make it easier. Makes sense to move to big boy bottles once you're fully on cows milk, as they won't need to be sterilised then!

The NHS website has lots of good info on this too!

You can start introducing cows milk at 6 months like with scrambled eggs and stuff like that. But he’s one almost 🤦🏼‍♀️ but still mix with foods. We just had our 9-12 month check and I was suggested to get ride of the bottle during the day and offer cows milk (blue cap) in a sippy cup of any kind. And only keep a bottle for bed time. These aren’t silly questions at all we’ve all thought that !!!!! Do you have your 9-12 check soon can always ask the HV xxx

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