Same here! Only the second measurement so far, taken by a different midwife that started the measurement from lower down on my pelvic bone. First one was bang in the middle of the lines, lovely and average. This week- Baby off the charts 😂 Off for a scan on Monday but we’re pretty sure it’s because someone else measured it. How on earth they get a measurement from just using a tape measurement is beyond me- surely all mamas have different size bellies to begin with (and we’ve all had Christmas!)
Same, I did a scan at 32 weeks as I thought baby was big and they said he’s 67 centile and weighing 5lb
@Rachel exactly spot on! 🤣
mine is 68 centile according to ultrasound. but my bump measures 1 week behind 😅 . to be considered big, baby should measure qbove 90 centile in ultrasound. bump measurements are joke
I was 29+3 and 1.4 something close to 1.5 and they said it is 63rd centile
We’ve got a growth scan tomorrow as on the midwives bump measurements we’ve jumped up massively 🤷🏻♀️ I don’t really know what it all means tbh, hoping they’ll explain tomorrow
Just had my growth scan and she’s measuring on the 90th centile- midwife didn’t seem worried and there are absolutely no underlying factors as to why she would be big, just that she’s thriving 🤷🏽♀️ I guess she’s just had a little growth spurt in the last few weeks like humans do. It’s weird that they seem to expect babies to grow in a steady line, I remember having growth spurts as a child and I stopped at 5’3 😂 We have another scan at 36 weeks to check she’s not done another equally big jump. It just does t feel like I’m carrying around a huge baby in there
@Rachel yeah exactly! When she measured my bump last time she said 98th percentile 🤣 if it’s continuing this week she’s sending me for a growth scan again. But I find the bump measurement and growth scans never agree. My first baby was born 8 pound 14oz so likely another bigish baby!👶
One week they say I’m measuring small and the next appointment they say big. The bump measurement is extremely inaccurate. The growth scan is a bit more reliable but again not completely accurate! Take with a pinch of salt 🧂