Probs when he's 2 and above
I never planned with my first waited until he was ready and will do the same with my little girl xx
Depends on bubs my first was 2.5 when she fully potty trained but I’m just going to go with them. We introduced a potty at 18month old, getting her to sit on it clothed etc, then we tried before bed, she’d normally do a wee before bed on it or bath from about 23month. X
Summer after 2nd birthday for us but I’ll get her familiar with a potty from about 18 months, and nappy free time. ERIC is a good charity website for potty training advice.
When he's about 3 lol! My 2.5 year old isn't trained yet never mind my 10m old!
@Katie I had this as well I said I’d have him in pants by the time my little girl come, saying these things and doing them are two different things 😂 my son just decided he was ready just before he was 3 and was sooooo easy to train it took me one day and he’s amazing at it don’t get me wrong he has a few accidents but can’t remember his last accident my little girl was around 4 months old I think and it was fine no problems xx
@Rachel It's easy to say I'll do it when they're X old but it's when they're ready. I thought she'd be trained by now when she was born. She's so close to being ready I think, but we're moving soon and apparently that can cause a regression so I'm waiting til we've settled. Plus we're in rented atm and the carpets are already awful never mind any accidents... lol! She did pee on the changing mat recently which she hasn't done since she was a baby... I don't know whether that was a response to having another baby in the house or just a one off accident. It was weird. Wow one day! That's amazing! How did you know he was ready? I'm so nervous to try :S
@Katie yeah good idea wait until you move. That is odd lol she was obviously desperate. I brought a book called no more nappies (not sure if it worked) but he read that for about two weeks I’d ask him every so often (not too much) if he wanted to try the potty and one day he just said yes I w
Want to wear pants rest is history 😂 xx
My first was toilet trained at 20m. Will think about it around 18m but all depends on her. Xx
We're not potty training per se but I am putting baby on the potty when she wakes in the morning and after naps. She'll have a new nappy on before naps and it'll still be clean/dry when she wakes, then if I get her on the potty within a few minutes we'll usually get a wee and/or poo. At the moment it's getting her used to it more than anything, if we're out we don't do it but I do want to buy a travel potty. I know nursery won't have the time/staff to do it but if I can carry on at home hopefully she'll be more ready for potty training around 18-24mo.
It's also saving me a nappy once in a while 😂 and it's significantly easier to wipe her bottom when she's pooped in the potty than in her nappy!!
I'd planned to start when my first born was 2.5 but she decided to start when she was 23 months old and it took 2 weeks for her to be fully dry during the day, she did it all on her terms and I was shocked when she was dry.
When she’s 1 I’m planning on introducing a potty just so she’s used to it. I’m not expecting her to be ready until much later though
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Not going to plan to do it however I will get a potty in a few months just to have out so she can get used to it and just sit on it lol
@Carys the nursery i worked in before maternity leave was really accommodating, there was a little girl in the under 2's room who was fully potty trained before she moved up to the toddler room which has their own toilets. All we asked was parents provided a potty until she moved up, including while she was still learning :)
@Alix I'll mention it to them but I definitely don't expect it. I guess I'm looking at it from a reception class standpoint where there definitely isn't the staff or time haha, and the nursery is very good (it's my dream nursery, said 6 years ago well before even thinking about ttc that I want my children to go there 😂) more than happy to provide a potty for them if they can accommodate.
Xmas of this year is the plan, going to be off work anyway so fingers crossed