I my boys can handle normal adult hand luggage on wheels fine so I guess any light weight eight wheeled ones , I strongly don’t recommend the sit on one from Costco .. looks easy and cute but it’s not easy move around with stuff inside .!
https://itluggage.com/products/dinoroar-kids-underseat-irish-green?currency=GBP&variant=42641289281589&stkn=2df329c013e7&utm_campaign=UK%3E%3EPMax%3E%3EKids+Luggage&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=21153336672&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAoVyzvX7D9zXRvUmzEMJOAF5i92YW&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-aK8BhCDARIsAL_-H9miXcNMktb0YLJg0TTCrUHuSqnM2K5BmjYrd5QPEHAlh97MjavHScAaArj8EALw_wcB not sure if you have a boy or girl but our son has this one! it’s super light and he can easily pull it