Formula feeds…

My 11 month old has recently dropped from 4 bottles (180ml) to two which was already surprising. One in the morning and one at night. But now, he is batting the nighttime feed away and falling asleep fine without it and sleeps throughout. Has anyone else experienced this? Would just one bottle a day be sufficient? Any experiences appreciated 💕
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I'm having this problem too. My baby is small too. He will have 6oz in morning and 6 0z in the night. Then it's a battle in the day to get any milk down him. I'm lucky if I get 4 oz in him. At night time he barely drinks any. He also has been sleeping through. He does have 3 meals a day. Xx

@Leanne Yeah mine has three meals a day with snacks and he eats rather a lot so just wondering if this is his way of telling me that he doesn’t need it. 🤔

Yep same here my lg will have a 7oz in the morning sometimes she doesn’t want that & then that’s it she refuses any more throughout the day & night time. She drinks lots of water & eats well & will drink cows milk in a sippy cup so I’m not stressing 😂

My little one has started doing the same. Not sure if you've seen this from the NHS, but I found it helpful to know its quite common for them to drop to about 400ml a day, and spoke to the health visitor who recommended some vitamins for the days we're dropping below 500ml.,500ml%20of%20formula%20a%20day.

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