@Leanne Yeah mine has three meals a day with snacks and he eats rather a lot so just wondering if this is his way of telling me that he doesn’t need it. 🤔
Yep same here my lg will have a 7oz in the morning sometimes she doesn’t want that & then that’s it she refuses any more throughout the day & night time. She drinks lots of water & eats well & will drink cows milk in a sippy cup so I’m not stressing 😂
My little one has started doing the same. Not sure if you've seen this from the NHS, but I found it helpful to know its quite common for them to drop to about 400ml a day, and spoke to the health visitor who recommended some vitamins for the days we're dropping below 500ml. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/weaning-and-feeding/babys-first-solid-foods/#:~:text=Feeding%20your%20baby%3A%20from%2010%20to%2012%20months&text=As%20a%20guide%2C%20babies%20fed,500ml%20of%20formula%20a%20day.
I'm having this problem too. My baby is small too. He will have 6oz in morning and 6 0z in the night. Then it's a battle in the day to get any milk down him. I'm lucky if I get 4 oz in him. At night time he barely drinks any. He also has been sleeping through. He does have 3 meals a day. Xx