@Farah when you look at it in light there is colour but it’s extremely faint
What did the app say? I found it to be quite accurate for my tests
I personally don’t see any line at all. I only implanted on 8DPO. If you can hold off I would test around 11DPO with first response
I feel like I can see something here too
Try again in a couple days
Broke the test open
I think I can see a vfl on the clearblue but I would test again in 2 days to be sure 🤞
I dont see anything to be honest, but its still very early, you should test again in a few days, 2 or 3
I see it in your first pic.. I had a similar VFL at 8DPO too and it was much darker by 10 🤞🏻
Can definitely see them. I would wait a couple of days. 5 years ago I got a very very faint almost non visible line at 5 days post ovulation. I tested again a week later and confirmed I was pregnant. I recently had a faint line and positive that turned out to be evaps and false positives. Tests are so touchy it’s frustrating. Wait a couple of days and retest and see if the line gets darker
@Farah I hope so I just think not all three tests can be Evaps or false xx
@Chloe they are all negative babe. Try and be patient and wait few more days and breath…..
I can see it, very faintly, try again over the next few days for a darker one! Good luck!
I can see it, you'll know better tomorrow or next day if it gets darker though. I'd be cautiously optimistic
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It’s confusing and it’s stressful. Best thing to do is wait a few days and if you get the same again wait a week and see if it’s a clear positive. Hopefully you get the answer you want and keep us updated if you can
@Farah can be so stressful. I use to test so much and overthink it. As soon as I stopped doing that I fell pregnant. Those tests you’re posting are so cheap and unpredictable… best to always go a red first response. I pray you get the positive but I would wait atlease 11DPO xx
I don’t see anything
@Renee on any of them?
It’s 100% there!
@Chloe sweetheart they’re old tests and are invalid and indents. So sorry. Are you able to wait another day or 2 and retest then? Perhaps do something fun for yourself to take your mind off it
@Nire85 they aren’t old tests? All the faint lines came within the time frame and the saliva one was today
@Chloe sorry saliva? How many DPO are you now hun? Can I see the test from today? I’m just trying to help. Sorry.
@Nire85 the salivatest is from today the last pic xx
I’m 9dpo
@Chloe can we see the original photo. That inverted will always show the indent.
Try posting a non edited photo & I’ll check it out xx
The pictures you’re posting are edited badly and it makes it hard to give you an answer… but I would hold off and wait just a few more days. All about patience 🙏🙏
All Negative hun Wait a few more days 🙏🙏
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@Chloe I can see two lines in the pics you posted this morning
@Laura this morning
Yesss congratulations so happy for you ❤️
@Chloe congrats! Yup no mistaken that!
I can see where you mean but there’s no colour there. 8 dpo is still extremely early so I wouldn’t take this as a definitive test as to whether or not you’re pregnant