@Katie-Marie that’s good, better to check, good luck 🤞🏻
@Laura he was weighing 5lb at 32 weeks and he went from 2lb 11 to 5lb in 4 weeks
Sorry I don’t do ibs, how much will be in kg?
For me was the symptoms, baby weight at 36 weeks is normal 2.7kg
@Laura he was 1123g ( 1.123 kilograms) at 28 weeks and at 32 weeks he weighed 2281g (2.281 kilograms) and he was on the 79.9 centile at 32 weeks they said that's big and massive weigy gain for 32 weeks as my other 2 baby's wasn't big at that gestation my smallest baby at birth was 3300g (3.3 kilograms) which is 7lb 02 and my biggest baby was 3820g (3.82 kilograms) which is 8lb 6 so at 32 weeks baby is weighing same weigh almost as my smallest baby (first born )
Thank u for explaining, keep me updated about the results 
@Laura think I've messaged you xx
I've got gestational diabetes, happy for you to message me if you want!
@Laura who
@Katie-Marie what do you mean who?
@Laura you said for someone to message you me or the other Laura
@Katie-Marie happy for whoever to! 🤣
I've gotta ge retested on Thursday for gestational diabetes in 35 weeks on Tuesday