Really irritates me the time it takes them to upload to badger notes, I know I don’t know the process or how busy they are but it’s the only bit of reassurance I get given I’m low risk. I constantly have to ask about my blood results because she never uploads anything and then she’ll be like “I was just about to upload them after this appointment” even tho I had them done a month before 🙄 so frustrating, I’d give your community Midwives a ring and ask for the measurement
My midwife takes ages to upload my fundal measurements so I’ve started asking her as soon as she’s done it what it is
The midwife I had at my last appointment looked at my stomach and just put the tape away and said it’s too hard to see… I don’t look pregnant when I lay down so I get it, but I was 36 weeks at the time and it’s not been done the past couple of times so I’m just hoping for the best!
I feel your pain! My midwife has never put anything on my badger notes for me to see😩 I hate it! Much prefer when it was hand written notes 😅