Am I being too sensitive?
A quick backstory: I was in a verbally abusive relationship for 7 years before I met my husband. My ex had a terrible temper and I always got the brunt of it, no matter if he was mad at me, a friend or a relative. A lot of the abuse was shouting and swearing at me, with physically aggressive behaviour such as smashing things or punching walls (but never physically abusive to me).
My husband knows all about this and has often had a lot to say about my ex. There's even a few things that I still apologise for automatically because they would've set my ex off (eg if I accidentally scrape my knife against a plate and it screeches, my ex would shout at me, so if I do it now, I automatically apologise).
However, when we argue (which isn't often), he tells me to fuck off and has called me names a few times (including the c bomb). Once the arguments are over, I've told him that I don't like the swearing/name calling and it makes me feel anxious and takes me right back to those days where I'd be expecting aggressive behaviour.
When he's calm, he tells me understands and apologises, but as soon as we argue, he does it again.
Like I said, we don't argue often, and he's normally very calm and rational, but I find it very upsetting that he can't stop himself from doing it when he's angry. It makes me feel so low because if it's another man doing it, it must mean that I'm the problem, but I just don't see what I do that's so bad. I guess I just need to not engage in any argument or conflict.
However unfortunately we have argued more than usual since our baby was born as we're both tired, stressed and learning.
I wouldn't say it's one-sided and that I cause all of the arguments, but maybe I'm not seeing that I'm the problem again.
Am I just being too sensitive, or am I right to ask him to stop when I've told him how it makes me feel?
I think maybe your vulnerabilities about your past are being prayed on a little. When he does it I would tell him you are leaving and that you ABSOLUTELY do not put up with that disrespect. Tell him you mean business when it comes to your worth. Make him tremble with his words.