I think a lot of the scans that are later on tend to be growth scans. I’m over in the uk and I’ve always had 4 scans already and I’m only 17weeks. Hope that makes sense. Fingers crossed you are able to do things the way that you want too xxx
I had one at 12 weeks and have another next week at 20 weeks. Personally i'd prefer more just as reassurance that everything is ok. I can't feel baby yet so it's hard to tell what's going on.
Hi, I’m in the same boat as you! I will have my 20 week scan end of January, but will keep this as my last one, unless there is an issue or I feel like something is wrong. I see why they might do it, but I don’t want to put more pressure and anxiety on myself if the baby is “smaller” or “bigger” showing, as it isn’t 100% accurate and most cases I read about were actually perfectly fine. I guess it is good for someone who prefers to have more checks that they have the opportunity to do so!
So with my first I had 3 private scans 6weeks ( had a bleed wanted to get checked but wasn’t eligible for epu yet) 17 weeks gender scan 27 weeks 4d scan Then I had 7 NHS scans 10 weeks epu after another bleed 12 week dating scan 20 week anatomy scan 28 weeks 4d growth 32 weeks growth 34 weeks growth 36 weeks growth We had the 34 week growth due to the 32 showing he haddnt grown enough but that was in correct it’s was human error he was fine 😅 the growth scans were for bmi I wouldn’t say they were that necessary as my bump was only measuring one week ahead and all it did was make me worry and end up being induced for a big 10lb baby when actually he was 7lb 14 🙃! I have growth scans again this time round and tbh I will take height and weight with a pinch of salt i just want to see them healthy on the screen !
With my first I had 5 scans. 1 was extra due to bleeding and another was a check as I had been quite ill in 3rd trimester.
I know someone who only had two ultrasounds and her baby's amniotic fluid got way too low without anyone realizing it because of the fact she hadn't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks. She lost her baby less than a month before she was due and there were no signs beforehand. So while all the scans may not be necessary, I would 100% take them if offered because I'd rather be safe and keep an eye on my babies. I had scans with my first every 4 weeks after 20 weeks, then every week at 32 weeks because my son was a big baby with a massive head. If they hadn't done more ultrasounds, I wouldn't have known he was measuring 11lbs 9oz with his head measuring 8 weeks ahead. I wouldn't have been prepared AT ALL for a 10lb baby with his head in the "greater than 99th percentile". This time I'm having twins and they're talking about doing them every other week starting at 20 weeks.
I think as long as you have your 12 and 20 week scans and everything looks good then I’m sure you can opt out of others. I only had those 2 scans with my first two pregnancies, however I did end up in spontaneous labour at PROM at 32 weeks with both. Because of this, I’m currently on fortnightly scans - but that’s mainly to keep an eye on my cervix length (rather than baby) as I’m high risk of another pre-term labour xxx
Wow that's a lot of scans. Yes, normally in the UK you'd only be booked in for a dating scan at 12 weeks and an anatomy scan at 20 something weeks. I completely agree with listening to your body - I just had a beautiful freebirth, and it's really incredible how your intuition can serve you. In my first pregnancy I knew to my core that everything was fine, but I was scheduled for additional scans which I went to, and it became a theme for the whole pregnancy and birth. I knew I was fine, but someone else was worried about X so I had to do Y to make them feel better. It was the whole reason for freebirthing my second baby, I didn't want to have to deal with other people's worries again, and I was more than happy to take full responsibility.
There's a fantastic podcast series called The Great Birth Rebellion I really recommend. It's run by Dr Melanie Jackson and she invites in researchers and various people at the forefront of midwifery and obstetrics knowledge to talk about the stats and evidence around birth. SO much of current guidelines are completely outdated and go against current evidence. It's truly eye opening
Im also going for a surprise 🥰 I think depending on what reason they have given, you can research and make your own decision alongside support hopefully from your midwife. I guess one positive I would see is if you went for some of the scans youd get to see baby more, but if you are worried they will stress you out then its probably not worth it x
I’ve had 7 ,12 and 14 so far , I have my 20th tomorrow and then I’ll have at 28,32 and 36 I should have at 40 but baby will be here by 38 due to being diabetic and on insulin , I love getting the reassurance so I’m always happy to have them x
I only had 2 scans for my pregnancy. But mine was low risk. Usually, those who get more scans are higher risk and need more monitoring. But if you're also low risk right now, you can opt out of the additional ones.
I'm having my 3rd this week. I'm 19 weeks. Mu daring scan, my screening at 13 weeks, this week is my anatomy. Last pregnancy I had quiet a few in my third trimester due to high anxiety and low baby movements. Plus the quick checks at my ob appointments
Have they explained to you why you would need these additional scans? With the NHS you normally only get the 12weeks dating scan and the anomaly scan at 20 weeks so I am surprised they booked you in for so many additional ones? Last pregnancy I only had the two I mentioned with the NHS and also did 3 private ones for my own peace of mind. You absolutely don’t have to go to them but I would mention it to someone at your next appointment so they can free up the space for someone else (I know my hospital gets really booked up with scans)
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I think only 2-3 scans is totally normally if the baby is heathy and no signs of issues with your own vitals! My doctor completely stopped scans at 20 week appointment. Now it’s just my blood pressure and a urine sample (to ensure my hormone levels are correct) and the baby’s heart rate. I think as long as your blood pressure, and baby’s heart rate are within a reasonable range each appointment there is no need to do anything more than that. at 20 weeks they can see full shape of baby and will have already done all your important blood tests too. So I say as long you and a baby are heathy and looking good on everything else you are totally fine to decline additional scans until The very end when they just need to verify baby is head down for delivery.
Unless there is any worry about the baby you don't need that many scans... we have two scans here in Canada one around 8-10 weeks and one at 20 unless something comes up that's concerning. We also aren't going to find out the sex of our baby! :) didn't with our first and it was lovely for my husband to tell me what we had x
@Frederique no they didn't mention the reason. The gynae told me everything looks great aswell as the blood tests. Thn after the appointment the receptionist gave me a card thing with all the other dates to come in for an appointment. I will ask more questions at the next scan.
@Micayla could they not be just ur normal check up appointments then like the midwife appointments where they do blood pressure etc and not scans?
I've already have loads, and have 5 more coming (one every 4 weeks). But I'm considered high risk due to a history of losses, and a uterine septum. My cervix is checked often, and I'll have growth scans for the same reason. Have you be told there's anything they are concerned about? Every addition scan and appointment has been explained to me before being booked in.
2 scans with my first (12 and 20 weeks), 3 scans with my second (12,20 and growth scan at 32week) and so far had 3 scans with this baby (private early scan as felt something wasnt right, 12 and 20weeks scan) been told i will probably have a growth scan with this baby too. Its your body, your baby, you do what is right for you. 7/8 scans seems a bit much x
May I ask why you have the additional scans? E.g. if it were growth scans I personally would want them to keep an eye on baby even though I do know they can still be slightly inaccurate