Formula feeding

Formula feeding mamas - are your little ones having predictable feeds and drinking roughly the same amount with each bottle or is their feeding all over the place still? My little boy is 7 weeks and has anything from 1.5oz-5oz every 1.5-3 hours. I feel like he’s snacking a lot rather than having full feeds but maybe this is normal?
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My wee one will be 7 weeks on Tuesday, I give him 120ml and it's a hit or miss if he drinks it all 🙈 during the day he's usually really good and can finish it but during the night is a different story, I've started only giving him 90ml for is 3/4am and 6/7am feed and he drinks that all, but noticed the 6am he doesn't fully go back to sleep so thinking of upping it again to see if he will sleep s bit longer! I have an app for recording feeds etc and he hardly has the same amount each day x

I wake my daughter to feed every 3 hours (she’s 9 weeks) she has varied amounts. I tend to offer her 4oz during day. But she takes from 2-4. I offer her 5 before bed and 5 in the middle of the night feed. Morning feed tends to be like 2oz if that … dunno why as she’s cries like she’s starving !! X

Completely unpredictable 😂 sometimes 6oz and sometimes is completely hysterical and drinks 1oz 🤷🏻‍♀️

Usually 120-150ml in the afternoon and evening but mornings can be as little as 60ml. Who knows why - I’m sticking with as long as the nappies are consistent then it’s fine 😅

My girl started having 3/4oz every 3 hours from 3 weeks old. We are now on 8 weeks old and she still eating the same…. No clue what she should be having by now to be honest!

Which formula are you all using x and my daughter is 4 weeks old, she’s having anywhere between 90-120ml , I just let her lead… How many times are you guys feeding your babies?

Also , how many dirty nappies are you getting? I’m just wondering if formula fed babies get everything they need?

@Irafana we are using Kendamil, but I’ve just switched to Kendamil comfort today to see if it helps with colic. We have been combi feeding until now but moving to formula only as I’m finding it hard to pump with a toddler to look after as well. My boy averages 10 feeds a day

Omg same, I was combi feeding but I just can’t keep up! I was using Kendamil also but I’ve moved to Aptamil, as I think the consistency is lighter and easier to digest for her , as she was showing signs of colic

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