When our LG was born she was feeding every 2-3 hours and taking 2-3oz. By the time she reached 3-4 week she was taking between 3-4oz every 2-4 hours. Shes now 7 weeks and from around 5 weeks onwards shes been taking 5oz every 3-4 hours and having a longer stretch through the night. Generally has around 6-7 feeds a day 🙂 hope that helps xx
My LO is 4 weeks old and feeds every 2-3 hours and has 3-4 oz. Feeds differ but usually has a big bottle before bed (10pm time) then settles till around 2:30am/3am.
8 weeks old and has 5 - 6oz per feed every 3 - 4 hours. When not formula feeding I give 5 - 6oz of expressed breastmilk
My little one is 2.5 weeks old feeding 3oz every 3-4 hours sometimes takes a 4oz at nighttime x