Anyone have NIPT be wrong for gender ?

I did NIPT and I got female but the fetal fraction was really low at only 3.2% , my boys was always 7% and above and also I did sneak peek at 9 weeks and it said boy , I did SNAP! The hands free device which sneak peak says little to no male contamination , I have a gender scan Friday
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I heard blood don’t lie. NIPT very accurate like 99% I was so shocked to find out I was having another boy

NIPT is super accurate

@Nire85 dang well my sneak peek was blood lol

Nipt is accurate

@MamaX4 I've heard bad things about sneak peek, the nipt is a lot more accurate. I'd wait to buy anything till your anatomy scan

@Amaura yes my gender scan is this Friday , even with NIPT I wait till gender scan ! Cuz NIPT has a 1-2% failure rate ! So I will see Friday 😍😍😍

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