I got mine done that’s how I found out I went in for a regular gyn appointment and took a urine test due to missed period & it came back positive, so they did an ultrasound. I was only able to see the egg sac and heartbeat
I got a transvaginal ultrasound done at 7 weeks and was able to see baby and hear a heartbeat
I got mine done last week Thursday at 6 wks and 4 days I saw a shape of the baby forming and the heart beat . I can’t wait for my next ultrasound app that won’t be until next month.
I have an appointment scheduled on Thursday then following an US. I can not wait
They don’t visits/ultrasounds until 10/12 weeks at my hospital so we won’t see anything until march lolol
@Anttonyia omg 😱 I will be anxious thru out the weeks
I won’t have my first ultrasound until 9-10 weeks even though my first appointment is at 8 weeks on 2/11. My OB office lost their ultrasound tech, so they have to refer me out for one after my first appointment
It seems prenatal care keeps getting worst and worst. Or is it just me?
Yea I’m pregnant with my first and my mom was like “don’t you have to go to the doctor to confirm you’re pregnant before they schedule the ultrasound?” My answer was “I guess not” lol so seems like a lot has changed
My doctor does the US at the appt to check. I’ve heard people go in for a check and then an US later sometimes not even at the same place. Mine is scheduled for the beginning of February. Usually they do right at 8 weeks but they did the first appt they had available.
i have my first US scheduled for 1/29 i’ll be just a few days shy of 8 weeks. they will do the US and then the first prenatal with the dr right after that on the same day
8 weeks is when you can first see a bean shaped figure on the ultrasound. I'm 7 weeks and have not had mine yet