Hi. I tested positive at 4 weeks and had the antibiotics during labour. It was not a big deal. Even if your urine tests negative it does not mean that you do not carry strep b in your perineal area / vaginal canal, it means that it has just not colonized your urine. Is anything in specific you are afraid of with antibiotics?
Also to clarify, the above was my second baby. During my 1st labour i never had a UTI and at 36 weeks I did the swab which came negative so did not get antibiotics during labour.
@Lily I’m not afraid of it, I just know it’s not advised to take antibiotics if you don’t need to as it means they’re less likely to work when you do need them. I’ve never had it before and I’m happy to take them if I need to, just don’t see the point if I don’t
It's true that abtibiotics are less effective the more you take them but this is not for you, it's to protect the baby from strep b infection which is very dangerous for infants.
@Lily I understand it transfers to the baby too, but the antibiotics are still going into you first. And like I said, happy to take them if I need to but don’t see the point if I don’t. As it was just detected in my urine, doing another sample before would show whether or not I need to.
As I mentioned earlier the fact that you test negative in urine does not mean you dont carry it in your birth canal. I know many women who tested negative in urine and positive in the swab for strep b. As such the baby can get it from your canal. Now you do you, but maybe speak to your healthcare provider of the risks.
Well I have pretty same situation. I been tested around 12 weeks with swabs. Positive. But I have infection as well. So now I will pay for another test. But I’m not gonna lie it it’s freaking me out. My midwife said, they will not test me anymore because there is no reason. They will just give me antibiotics just in case.