Just keep testing
Faith & hope
I see it
Don’t see anything x
I see a very faint line on the contrast but not on the actual test. At 12dpo, you should be seeing some kind of colour on the test as between 12-14dpo is when you would expect to have a clear result. The line on the contrasted photo could be an indent or an evap line, as there’s no colour to it in the original image. I’m really sorry but to me, it looks like you’re not pregnant. But keep testing as you may have ovulated late and not actually be 12dpo. I had this happen and despite tests, I ovulated almost a full 2 weeks later haha x
@Courtney thanks for your reply and do detailed but I think you’re right it should be more by now and I know I’m 12dpo I was tracking.
At 12dpo some people haven't even missed a period... And depends when you implanted! You can Implant right up to 12dpo, and if you did and then you are hydrated it can come across negative! So for a better/truer result... Hold your pee and don't drink for 4 hours and take another test 🤞
And also just to say, I personally don't see a line, but can in the negative one but that doesn't mean you ain't if you are hydrated so 🤞 for you
Retest in a few days. I see a faint positive (it doesn’t have to have colour and the brand confirms this). Most people don’t get faint positives or positives at all much before d10po, so a faint positive that early on, isnt unheard of!
Updates 🤞
I see it