Trisomy 10

Hello, I received my NIPT results today and I’m absolutely devastated and don’t know how to process this information so I’m searching for answers. Wondering if anyone has experienced trisomy 10? There is a 5% chance of my baby having trisomy 10 through the NIPT. I am having another ultrasound in 2 weeks for a 13 week scan and then an amniocentesis at 16 weeks for a more clear answers. Any advice or personal experience would be comforting at this time. Thank you
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I had similar results with my first. He didn’t have tri 10 and after amniocentesis they found he had a different rare genetic disorder not compatible with life. I’m sorry this is such a hard time you must be going through with all the unknowns

@sarah I’m sorry for your loss Sarah 💔 thank you for your message, I really appreciate it x

My second had a chromosome disorder (not trisomy 10) that we learnt something was wrong from the NIPT. It was confirmed from the amnio at 16wks. Sadly, we lost our son. He was still born at 21 weeks because the placenta also carried the disorder and basically stopped feeding him. It was honestly the worst experience of my life. There was nothing we could do except wait. After he passed, we had to explain it all to our 3yo. Another of the hardest things I've ever had to do. However, we knew for certain that something was wrong from 10wk due to slowed growth and a difficult pregnancy. We also did IVF, and fortunately, my next cycle we had another successful implantation. Fast forward, and I now have a very healthy 6 week old little girl. Life throws some crazy curve balls. Your situation is a little different, as while, yes, there is a chance, 5% is still quite low. So think of it as there is a 95% chance your baby will be healthy and happy.

Cont... Remember, no one can tell you how you feel or process this news or what happens moving forward. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Take your time and do what you need to get tou through it. It is a devastating thing to hear that something is/might be wrong sith your baby, and waiting is the worst because you don't know the outcome, which could literally be life or death. I know you want answers and they will come in time. Cherish the time you have now with bub. Life is fleeting 💞

@Kris I’m sorry for your loss Kris 💔 absolutely devastating and can’t imagine the pain you went through. It’s really challenging as I have a perfect little boy who is nearly 3 and he is so excited for the baby. We also found out the gender, it’s a little girl which makes it harder. Praying for a positive outcome 🙏🙏🙏

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