I would say + because they all have a little bit of colour evaps tend yo be grayish. I would get a digital even if its just one that says yes.
@Cheryl digital said negative but I did do an evening wee and after drinking water so probably a bad idea! However, as my period is due tomorrow I feel like potentially they're all false. I'm not sure but I'll test again tomorrow of course.
@Naomi digital said not but did it in evening and after having water x
If it was night wee on a digital it won’t be as reliable. I guess you’ll know more tomorrow but they do look like faint positives
@Cheryl I see ok thank you! Yeah exactly so impatient ahhaa xxx
Yeah definitely do a digital in the morning they are slightly less sensitive than the strips so require a higher hcg concentrate x
I would say yes look very similar to mine when I rested at 4 weeks and now I’m 35 weeks x
Looks positive to me xx
I’d say they’re + because I can see the pink lines! Try a digital to be sure x