Same! He has more at night at the moment but during the day it can really vary 😣 he is teething at the moment so I’m putting it down to that..
My girl is the same on and off. The only 1 that is guaranteed is her bed time one. She doesn’t feed during the night either
Same! I was getting concerned My LB was 5 months a few days ago He occasionally finishes a 7oz but takes him 2 hours I’ve started weaning him already yesterday as he’s showing all the signs and is eating the purées (and one of the reasons is because he’s really gone off milk) I didn’t start until 6 months with my first but he was a guzzler
@Kath yeah that’s what I started doing now as he seems to be more interested in food and not his milk . He only ever finishes his bottles at night 😕
Yep same here! Has 7oz at 6pm, 7oz at 10pm wakes at 4:30 has another 7oz and then snacks through the day!