How much formula?

Question to the mums of exclusively formula fed babes. My little boy is 7 weeks old and drinks between 32-40oz formula a day. Is this too much? It's seems a lot to me. I exclusively BF my first baby so this is all very new. He doesn't vomit it up. Does between 2-5 average poos a day. He has periods of fussiness but apart from that I have no concerns. What do you think/how much does your baby drink?
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If he’s happy don’t worry too much about it my oldest little boy was having that much around the same age as long as there’s no spit up etc or excessive weight gain all is good xx

My boy was on 4ozs every 3/4 hours at that age. Every bubna is different. He wouldn't drink it if he wasn't hungry. Xx

My little man has 4-5oz 120-150ml every 3 ish hours and seems good with this. If he’s hungry let him have it.

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