We love Bobbie
We use Kendamil Goats Milk as our little one was constipated on their original formula - downside it’s £20 a tub 💀 4 months old and we use about a tub a week for reference xx
They are all pretty much the same unless you go for a specific reflux one... i used aptamil with my first but trying cow and gate with my second as its easier to get access to in my local shop x
I use simaliac starter with just the sentive one we then switched to total comfort and total comfort pro
@Rosie I was going to say exactly this about kendamil!
They are all nutritionally the same, I’d probably just go with whatever is most available to you. Kendamil is great but constant shortages and it’s no longer actually made in the Lake District which was a selling point too
Don't get sucked into the Kendamil hype, as all of the others are just as good! My baby is on prescription formula (Aptamil Pepti) but if she wasn't I'd be buying Aptamil
Hipp organic!
Thanks everyone! My baby is 8 months and been on kendamil but recently seems to have gone off it, not finishing bottles, really yuck nappies etc and wondered ifs that. He’s not gone off his solid food at all which makes me think it’s the formula x
They’ve changed kendamil classic and it’s no longer made in the uk the formula has changed ever so slightly and some babies are being effected more than others so it might be that x
I really really wanted to say kendamil but I feel so let down with them lately. The formula produced outside of the uk has made my LO really poorly and constipated🫠and he’s just not himself. You can still get the ones made in the uk but they’re harder to find Not to mention they are still recovering from the shortage. Kendamil organic on the other hand is really good and still made in the uk, but it’s £15 a tub🫣