Potty training

Is your child potty trained or are you currently trying or have you not started?
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Trying. Started on 27th December. Did really well for first couple of weeks but got backwards this last week or so

We tried back in the October hols. First week went great then just went downhill. Refusing to use the potty etc. We've pulled back, still offering it or he might ask for it but going to try again in the Easter holidays

We did have success for 5 days and than he decided he hate potty. So we are waiting for another good time 😀

@Annie exactly same! Week was great then he refused to go to the potty. We gonna try again soon.

Tried over Christmas and did ok for a few days but then she started screaming and crying at me ‘I don’t like potty’ so leaving it for a little while now x

I'm glad everyone else has dealt with similar potty struggles, I've been feeling like a complete failure 😂

Tried twice, a few months in between, wasn’t quite there so waited another few weeks and she’s literally this morning told me for the first time herself that’s shes not wearing her nappy and wanting to go on the potty so I’m going with it. Clearly those other two times we’ve tried for a couple of weeks each time may have helped her learn something even though apparently not supposed to keep stop starting but I’m not listening to that.

We're almost there, if he's bottom naked he's potty perfect but he just can't grasp the concept of pulling his pants down to pee no matter how much we try

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