My little 1 is exactly the same at the minute too
@Steph She just cut her second tooth. She wasn't like this when she cut her first, so wasn't sure if it could have been that. X
@Justine yeah my little boy has 4 and barely made a fuss but I think some of his bigger ones are coming through now and it seems to be bothering him. Apparently it hurts for them to suck so maybe eating is nicer for them, I would just keep offering it to her just in case she fancies it, but I wouldn’t worry too much as long as she’s not losing weight? ☺️
My LB is on and off with his milk but health visitor said aslong as they are following their curve on the growth chart not to worry unless they having less than 500ml (minimum amount for the nutrients) x
@Corin oh brilliant thank you, I started putting her milk from her morning bottle in her porridge instead of water so she is still getting some of her morning bottle but just not all off it.
@Steph that makes sense, no definitely not losing weight had her weighed today and still going up x
What teat size are they currently on and do they choke/splutter when drinking from bottle ?
@D she's on size 3 teats, no she just straight up refuses and pushes it away with hands and clamps her mouth shut.
Never mind, just ruling something out x
My little girl was doing the same! Thought it was teeth but still nothing! Sounds random but we found if we sat her in bouncer chair/highchair/against cushions she will drink it, but if we hold her, she won’t 😂🤷🏼♀️
@Natalie have tried her in her seat and that didn't work but will try her in her bouncer and see how we get on thank you for the tip x
I struggled with this for a bit too and in the end started taking her upstairs to her room in the dark so she had no distractions at all and she drank all of her bottles then. Now I’m able to feed her wherever again but I had to do this for about a week x
Is she teething? We’ve just gone through a week of my little boy refusing most of his bottles (and he’s a rubbish eater 🥲) I think it’s because he’s teething x