Yes, and she liked it at first too
Talk to daycare ask about what their approach is, what their potty set up looks like and see if you can replicate anything!
Maybe put her in dresses at home with no pants (or even panties, up to you) until she starts going regularly again. Build in times for her to go into your routines (wake up, before or after meals and bedtime at least) so it's habitual and not another thing she has to remember or decide. The structured day is probably what's working well at day care. Ultimately you want her to recognize her body's cues and get up and go, and she will, but for now, it might be overwhelming while she works on other skills and adding some structure is ok. Talk to her about it and don't give her all the answers. Give her some time to think through what's working for her.
Has she tried the big potty yet?? I only ask because my LO didn't want to use the little potty at one point because she wanted to try the big potty but she was a bit scared. I bought some bathroom decals for her favorite sea animals and put them on the toilet to make it friendly and fun for her. Maybe try stickers instead of treats. We just use high fives.