My little girl (5months) has recently had a cold/cough, and she went off her milk. She usually has 6oz 5 times a day (7, 10, 2, 5, 8), and then sleeps 20:00-07:00, but now she will only want about 4oz, then shake her head, and get upset if I try to give her more. I do go back with the rest about 30mins later and she will only have another oz. I am currently trying the following to see if it helps - 6oz 7am 6oz 11am 6oz 3pm 6oz 7pm Bed 8pm Dream feed her last bottle at 10pm so she has her 30oz in the 24hours. Someone said to me to give it a longer break in between bottles, so 4hours rather than 3hours, to make her more hungry to have the whole bottle. Just means I can’t get all 5 bottles in from waking up to going to bed, so have to wake her at 10pm for the 5th, but she goes straight back to sleep. She is also genuinely happy and playing like normal. The above is working so far x
Could be a nursing/feeding strike. Just ride it out you're doing great mama!
Yep.. I'm going through the same thing. He'll have enough during the day, but it's like he wants to snack throughout rather than having his usual amount in one go. It's exhausting, right!?