It's honestly not worth it the risks of internal decapitation are so high in an accident. Invest in items like Alysha suggested to entertain them also check they don't need the supports removing etc to fit more comfortable.
Agree it's not worth the risk. EU car seat laws are far behind what they should be but still require RF until at least 15 months. Can you put LO RF in the front? Provided you can switch the airbag off it's significantly safer than FF in the back (around 5x safer). Not sure if that's legal in Australia or not though. A mirror is another really good option, allows you to see baby and them to see you, which can really help to keep baby calm
My daughter was the same. Car rides were miserable. We would have to stop often. A 4 hour trip once turned into a 9 hour trip. We just stopped trying to go anywhere. My dad was a paramedic and my mom is a nurse. With what they see, I did not turn her around. The risk was not worth her life or safety. However, once we got her out of the bucket infant seat she stopped crying as much. Now she enjoys traveling.
It's really not worth it. Sounds awful and sorry to be blunt but it could literally be a difference between life and death . If rather hear my child scream than them not be here x
I bought a SkipHop mirror that has lights on it to entertain my LO. Not sure if you’ve tried that already.