@Chloe I purposely waited until 7 weeks (or so I thought) to avoid this really early 5/6 week period because I knew this exact scenario would stress me out and it’s managed to happen anyway😩 I’ve never tracked ovulation but my cycle is always 28 days to the day. I did a digital test on 08/01 which showed 2-3 (I dunno how accurate that is) I was stressed already that all was going to be okay, I really wasn’t expecting to be almost 2 weeks behind and not really see anything
Ah gosh it’s so tough waiting to find out more. Fingers crossed you ovulated late that month and the dates are behind 🤞🏼 maybe you can try and push for a scan in a weeks time because two weeks is so long x
@Ciara oh I’m so sorry it’s so stressful isn’t it! The only thing giving me hope is like I said I was in this position before with my son and thankfully a week later everything was fine but it’s so hard, I feel like I have to just sit and fester with it until Monday too which is making it worse because I can’t even start a process of being seen with everything being closed due to the weekend :(
@Ciara I agree with every hint you’ve said. Fingers crossed for you too🤞🏼xx
I’m in a similar position, I got scanned a week last Friday and expected to be 7+6 but she measured me at 5+6 so two weeks earlier than expected. I told her my periods were irregular so she said ovulation could have happened different time than I expected. We saw everything as expected and could even see a heartbeat. They booked me in for a rescan Friday just gone, expecting I’d be a week along and 6+6 but baby was only measuring 6+1 and couldn’t find a definite heartbeat this time. As it was Friday I can’t go to EPU for scan until first thing tomorrow (Monday). So I’m just in limbo but expecting the worst as we could see the heartbeat one week and not the next. I also had a little bleed showing on my scan. I haven’t had any bleeding externally, or any cramps/symptoms of miscarriage. Wondering whether I’ve had a missed miscarriage but don’t know what to think 😭😭
Struggling now as I had the lightest pink bleeding when I wiped last night and now red bleeding today. Going to call the epu tomorrow to hopefully get checked at some point but my hope is dwindling now 😢
Fingers crossed for you xx
@Laura looks like we have both an October 22 baby and now in this group together. I’m a bit earlier than you and haven’t been for my private scan yet, but I hope we can continue this journey together! Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you and keep us posted! ♥️
@Veronica Wasn’t good news for me unfortunately but wish you the best of luck! ❤️
@Laura I’m so sorry 🤍 sending lots of love
Sorry the scan didn’t help you! Early pregnancy is full of anxiety. Did you track your ovulation date by any chance? That would help to make sure that dates are correct. I know that I ovulate at least a week later than most with my cycle so could just be the dates are further behind than you thought x