I’m formula feeding. She’s maybe having a growth spurt x
@Stacey formula volume will increase a bit as she grows, so she may need more. A good rule of thumb is if she's drinking every drop, she's probably still hungry. If she leaves 1/2 - 1 oz after she's "done", she probably isn't still hungry and can wait until her next feeding. Also, with a growth part, she may want to eat more frequently than 3-4hrs. Try and follow her cues. She's still so little!
Thank you I’m going to try upping her to 6oz because she usually drinks the whole bottle x
NHS told me while I was pregnant just feed on demand and let them lead. The hours are just a rule of thumb x
She should be eating every 3 or so hours, so that fits perfectly. They also go through a ton of growth spurts the first few months, where volume increases. Are you formula feeding or breastmilk? Formula volumes will be very different that breastmilk.