Toddler potty training question

Hey mamas, we started potty training our toddler who is 27 months old. The peeing part is going well, however, he's not willing to poop on the potty seat or toilet. He ends up pooping in his underwear when I don't look at him for a few minutes. When I find that he's going to poop, I quickly get him to the potty, but after that he stops pooping 😭. Any tips or advice on how I can help him to get over the fear of pooping on the potty? Thanks!
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Try letting him be completely naked at home (or just a shirt) and make the potty both accessible and private! If you are using a regular bathroom just make sure it’s easily accessible for him with a seat set up, and if you are using a little toddler potty, keep it close by but also somewhat private! Naked is 100% the best way

I have no advice as this was my daughter. It literally just took one time of her sitting on the potty to pee that she accidentally pooped, and then we've been smooth sailing ever since 🤣

Mines struggling with letting me know when he needs the potty at home but can let me know when we're out and about 🙃 he just turned 3 and im trying to remain calm 🤣

We put a little toilet in the middle of our living room/playroom. It's not ideal but it worked. Then we moved the little toilet to the bathroom, and then on to the toilet.

@Alicia we actually skipped the naked phase, because he was doing so well with the peeing part. But now it feels like we'll have to do it for poop sake 😂

@Ashley haha I hope this happens to us 🤞

@Elizabeth hahaha gosh toddlers are the best 😝😂

@Jessica We're doing the same, potty seat/chair wherever he is playing, but for poop he just refuses to try, Idk I feel he doesn't like the position lol

We brought our little one into the bathroom whenever we were pooping to show her that it wasn’t so scary. We let her flush the toilet and say bye bye poop. She also gets 2 pieces of chocolate if she goes to poop on the potty

I found a video where she suggested giving your little one a cup of water with a straw and having them blow bubbles - it apparently opens the pelvic? muscles that allow you to poop easier and keeps your little one happy and distracted 😂

Time. My son full on pooped like a horse down my hall while he was running....potty trained in a weekend is a lie lol. You can get some foundations for parents and tots in that weekend but as far as REALLY knowing when they have to poo or pee and getting there with ample time, not gonna happen. Stay super vigilant about looking for their cues. Make it super accessible and easy to clean for you. But It's time. I'd say 6 months for my son to get it but a year later he still lets it get to a level 5 before saying anything and sometimes he has small accidents. Stay strong.

@Jenn Thanks for saying this, it helps take the extra pressure off. My worry is he's doing well with pee but has a genuine fear of pooping on the potty/toilet. I don't know how to help him, I've caught the pre-poop cues on time and we're there on the toilet, either nothing or he freaks out when he really has to go and cannot poop on the toilet. I feel so bad looking at him so distressed. And then he ends up pooping in his underwear or the floor. Sigh, I think like you said just have to give it time. Btw the poop like a horse had me ROFLing 😂

@Laura I tried this and also bubble wands, it didn't work for us ☹️

@Alyssa So this will be one of my options to try soon, I am feeling hesitant. In theory I know it's normal and this is a great way to normalize pooping to your kids. I'm working on it 😂

My son found it scary too. Could not figure it out we did some potty training books. Elmo ones were bigger hits in our house. And like the bubbles we just tried to make it a game or sing songs while he was there. Tried out a few seats to see which ones he liked to sit on. Made sure we had a stool for his feet so he felt secure and stable. He didnt like to poo in the little potty he wanted the toilet when he'd concede lol It is a completely new way for them to poo from their usual squat or stance. Probably feels super unnatural. After we'd always have him repeat back "where does pee and poop go? In the toilet/potty. " If there was and accident we'd add "It does not go (wherever incident happened)". After a while he'd be saying it to himself and that was a cue lol It will click.

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