Toddler held pee for so long three days in a row until she couldn't pee anymore. I'm so scared that she will develop a UTI. Putting potty training on hold for now but still so scared. Words of reassurance please!

Her body is fine and healthy! I don't want to be the reason her blatter gets all fucked up with bacteria. Help 😭😭😭. I'm just scared. No symptoms -- not sure when they'd start. I'm hopeful she won't get one but just afraid that ive caused it.
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I would definitely take her to the hospital. Even an adult can’t hold their pee for even a day so I can’t imagine what not peeing for three days might do

@Keara no no no I meant for three days she's been holding it for so long. Like each day. One day 6 hours, one day 8, etc

Ohhhhhh okay I see

I thought you meant she hadn’t peed in 3 days ☠️☠️

Is she taking enough liquids? Is she peeing on herself?

My little girl did this, sometimes they are scared of the release. Putting their feet in warm water while on the potty helps them release, this was how we potty trained my daughter!

This was my experience when I tried potty training and it was horrible too. I gave up on potty training and tried to be as nonchalant and cool about peeing in her diaper as possible. She'd release the pee at nap and bedtime but it took almost a week for her to pee normal during wake hours. Maybe 3/4 months later we tried again and she basically potty trained herself within a day!

She will be fine. Girls do this. My daughter did it, my niece did it. Okay those are the only girls in my family that I'm close enough with to know. My other niece I've never met yet. Lol. But it's because they can do it so they will do it. She will be okay just speak to her pediatrician to get tips and make sure to give prune or cranberry juice to help prevent UTI. No need to put potty training on hold. Sounds like she's gonna love it. Haha.

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