I am so sorry you are going through this. I had a PUL last April, and unfortunately, it did turn out to be an ectopic, although for me, it wasn't diagnosed until it became an emergency at 9 weeks. My hcg at 6 weeks was only 56, i was discharged as just miscarrying until i had horrible cramps at 9 weeks and went to A&E to have surgery. All I can say is, I hope this is not the case for you and that you get some answers as soon as possible. Wish you all the best and keep us posted xx
@Sinead thank you. Sorry to hear of your experience that sounds awful! I’ll get the answer on Tuesday, but I think I already know what it is, I’ve started bleeding again tonight but fresh red blood. I am worried about the ectopic element of it though so I’ll definitely push to see if they can have another look, even if the MC is confirmed. Did you have pains at 6 weeks to suggest it could be ectopic? It’s such a head fxck being classed as ‘pregnant’ but they can’t actually find it, it’s just so confusing. xxx
@Stephanie Thank you! Yes, definitely push to confirm. Only you know how you feel, and if you think it's ectopic, definitely dont let them discharge you without a second opinion. So, at exactly 5 weeks, I had strong cramping and then lots of heavy bleeding for a few hours, so when i rang EPU, i already thought it might be an MC. But they said it was a PUL and told me to come back at 6 weeks and still couldn't see anything. I had no pain at 6 weeks, but i continued to feel symptoms. I had multiple blood tests over the next week, and hcg was up and down, but remained low, which is why they discharged me as they said hcg can take weeks to reduce back down. Then, at around the 9 week mark, I got horrific cramping and then fainted. Husband took me to A&E, and i was in and out consiousness until they located internal bleeding. Yes, i agree, i had started processing the fact that I miscarried and thought i was healing, only to find out the little bean was still growing, but in the wrong place. Xxx
Going through something similar and bleeding. Have been told I may have ovulated later than I thought and am having implantation bleeding or I may be miscarrying. Waiting to call epu tomorrow 🙃 sorry for your news x
No advice or help. Just want to say I'm sorry you are going through this. Hoping everything is OK... keep us posted xx