So i dont put her on to my breast i just exclusivley pump and i feed her from a bottle
I think you need to join a pumping group for advice. You might need to power pump in the evenings to mimic cluster feeding
Power pump to increase your supply, especially between 1 and 3am, as that's the best time (not sure why. It's just what the advice says!). Drink lots of water and eat oats, as they're a milk superfood. To encourage baby to take formula, try blending with pumped milk. E.g 1oz formula, 4oz breast. Then you can increase the ratios 2:3, 3:2 etc. It introduces them to a new flavour and also means they're getting your milk in every feed x
If she's fussing at the breast, it doesn't mean she's hungry - it might be to stimulate your supply. How do you know she's hungry?