Getting ready

Where do you put your toddler to go to the toilet 💩 or shower etc? I cannot let him roam around, I just feel it’s so unsafe & he is in to pressing switches.
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I would put her in her cot for 5-10 minutes with books and toys, she's happy enough like that. Or I wait until my partner is back from work to shower usually.

I don't tend to shower until my partner is around, she usually comes to the toilet with me 🫠😂

Toilet I just run up .. I’m nearly 6 months pregnant so I go to the toilet ALOT, I wait untill he’s in bed for a shower as I like to take alonnnnnng time x

We have a gate on her room and secured all the furniture etc so I let her play in there. Sometimes I just put toys in her cot if she has just woken up and I need to shower. I have a monitor so I can see her also.

I brought my little one into the bathroom with toys and a blanket on the floor so he's with me but not in with me if you know what I mean. And a wee YouTube video will keep him occupied long enough for me to get washed and dried :)

Toilet he comes with me unless my husband is around. It's actually something that is suggested for helping to prepare them for potty training so that they are familiar and comfortable with what goes on in there. For shower, sometimes I just pop him in the bathroom with me, but now that he can open the door that's less of a solution. I might pop him in his cot with something on the TV in our room (Puffin Rock in Netflix is calm and he enjoys it), or I just get him naked and have him sit in the bath while I shower. He loves baths so this is a favored option for him. But usually I just wait and shower after the kids are in bed, that way I can take a little more time and not feel rushed. If it's a rinse off, just doing my body, I'm more likely to do it during the day with my little one around but if I have to wash my hair then I tend to prefer to not have to rush.

She comes with me to the loo, I shower when she’s at playgroup, napping or in bed at night

She comes to the toilet with me and I shower when my husband is around to watch her or in the morning before she wakes up x

Thanks everyone.

Toilet, I bring him with me if it’s just me in the house. Shower, I do it if when he’s napping or when my partner is home

Toilet she's always with me. Even if others are home. If I dare shut the door with her the other side of it she cries. Shower is mainly done when she goes to bed. Or if I'm lucky she stays with her nanny so I can shower in the day. But 99% of the time after she goes to bed

Our toilet is upstairs and we have a stair gate. If I'm just going to the toilet I let her roam around upstairs, she tends to just go to her room and play. If I'm showering I often try putting her in the cot with toys but she cries alot most the time, so I just put some toys in the bathroom and just outside the bathroom and that tends to keep her busy for a few minutes.

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