Potty training

I want to potty train soon (she’s showing lots of signs) I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing but I’m going for it. And I have tried to read all about it for weeks now. Do I use a small potty or do I get the actual toilet seat with the small part? If I use a little potty, should I have it in the living room or the bathroom? Should I use training underwear or pull ups? (I know to use pull ups at night for a bit.)
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Following because I failed this week at this and need advice 🫠🙃

I've known people that were successful doing it all different ways. I used the 3 Day Potty Training pdf from Lora Jensen (Google that and it'll take you right to this pdf) with my son. We never used pull ups. But this strategy has you use little potty OR the addition to the big potty, but either way, bathroom time in the bathroom. I'm very anti training underwear, since it feels more comfortable, like a diaper, and might get them used to peeing/pooping in their underwear (although I understand that pull ups are more expensive!) Other strategies are fine with potties anywhere - it's just based upon what strategy you want to try. Some have the kids bare bottom for a day, 3 days, etc. The strategy I mentioned does not, and it worked for us. Two caveats: son, not daughter AND he was older and had been using the potty at daycare off and on before we started official potty training at home.

small potty in the living room so there’s always a potty close enough to make it. don’t use exclusively small potty if you can help it so your kid gets used to an adult size potty too. don’t use pull ups during the day because they’re too diaper like and can make children more comfortable sitting in it which can make them less motivated to use the potty

@Anna @Tiffany tried the bare bottom method and everything. My daughter just didn’t seem to care really or show signs of pee. I know her poo signs but the hiding didn’t work when we tried to get her to hide in restroom instead. Any further advice? Maybe she’s just not ready? She is a preemie

@Isadora with pee it’s usually a progression of “i peed” to “i’m peeing” to “i have to pee” so it can take a little bit with LOTS of accidents on the way. the key is for the pee to make them uncomfortable (so your bare bottom method was great!) but it does take a while. if the pee running down her legs didn’t even bother her though i’d say it could have been to early and to try again in a month or so :))

@Anna literally she did not care at ALL about the pew dropping down her leg and the puddle she was stepping on. I think the rushing her once noticing to the bathroom also was overwhelming. She’s a sensitive girl. So I think it definitely made her anxious and maybe why it’s not really working out

But she says xixi when she has pee already or she’ll say cocô if she actually has the desire to poo.. just takes her like an hour because she hides and all

@Isadora I agree with Anna. Based upon what you said, I'd wait another month or two, and start again. Be consistent with whatever strategy you try. And give yourself (and your little one) some grace.

@Tiffany thank you 🙏

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