“Big baby”

Hi I’ve had a couple growth scans for reduced movements. Initially I was told I had poly ( excess fluid) and that it was likely down to gestational diabetes. I was told to go to my GD appointment have the test and then when my results came back they’d either look into things further or not if I have GD GD tests came back normal; they said I don’t have GD and my levels were perfect. They measured fluid around baby again and said there wasn’t no excess at all - perfect ammount and that the midwife was sorry bwcause they wrote it down wrong. What they did say though was that baby’s tummy and thigh bone were measuring at 97th percentile and that she is now considered a ‘big baby’ I’ve got a consultant scan and appointment at 36 weeks - what will be the likely outcome. Midwife’s said they will decide when I’ll be induced as it’s unlikely they’ll let me go 40 weeks with her being slighly bigger. Reassured me that it’s an estimate as she’s my first they don’t know exactly. Is it bad to say I want to have her early ? Obviously she’s thriving and they reassured me they’re not worried about her … I’m just anxious for myself really if that makes any sense ? Thanks in advance !
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It's totally your choice. Don't let them pressure you into making a decision you aren't comfortable with. Most of the time they said big baby and it ends up not being one. Scans are just a rough estimate. But it's up to you. If you feel you want to deliver earlier that's okay too.

I'd say if you want to have her earlier because she's big that's normal! The thought of pushing out a big baby.... 😩 Ours has been measured and 71st and even with that I'm like 🫣

i had polyhydramnios, they tested for diabetes but i came back clear, most time it just happens and you won’t really be told why. i was told at 32 weeks my baby was measuring over 8lbs at a growth scan and they scheduled me in to be induced at 38 weeks. obviously i was worried as they said i would likely need a section as baby is big and i’m small and that was my biggest fear. i went into labour naturally 2 days before my induction date and she came the next day at a tiny 6lbs1, the growth scans aren’t super accurate and i found it all a load of unnecessary stress so take that as you will

also they’ll warn you that when your waters break it’ll be a big gush, however when mine broke i had a slow leak at first and i ended up developing a really bad infection as i hadn’t noticed my waters going until they actually fully burst- also if you think your in labour do not wear a jumpsuit idk why i did it was an awful choice

@Aimee I’ve never actually had Poly they got it wrong, when the sonographer scanned me at a follow up appointment she checked prior measurements and it was absolutely fine so not sure how they managed to get it wrong. Hopefully at my next appointment I can plan something so I can stop panicking about things as it’s really stressing me out at the moment. It’s crazy how inaccurate the scans can be !!

Sooo my first was big at 20 weeks (91% AC and 83% estimated weight). I didn't get any extra monitoring, not sure what criteria would have been for that! She was then born at 36+6 weighing 7lb 11...so she was big for her gestation. As others have said scans aren't always accurate. Do what your comfortable with.

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