Growth Scan

I know this is like a repeated topic on here but I never thought it would be my turn to post about this. I had my 34 week appointment today and I’m measuring borderline 37cm. Midwife ofc referred me to have an ultrasound which is booked in for Friday but I can’t help and think something is wrong. She also said she’d like me to take the GTT again which I did already and was told I did not have GD. I feel like I can’t eat as I’d like now that I’ve been told I’m measuring ahead. Any tips and advice welcome, just want to relax and not panic x
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@Saff thank you so much for your kind words, it’s honestly so reassuring to hear. I won’t lie part of the reason I am slightly annoyed is because she didn’t even plot it on the chart for me to see and she never did it last appointment either. I had to ask her today to tell me what I was measuring which more reason why I’m worrying about this too much.

Will the sonographer be able to tell me the centile or will I have to wait until my 36 week appointment to find out?

I had a similar experience at 33w growth scan and when I went for my ultrasound I noticed I had a new tab in my badger notes called Intergrowth Estimated Fetal Weight Chart where they plotted baby in the chart - it looks just the same as the Intergrowth Fundal Height Chart that the midwife uses after measuring bump But if your anxious as the sonographer to talk you through your measurements and what they all mean 💖

Hi lovely give me a message I can show you my growth chart as I was measuring big 1st app got sent for GTT also and growth scan and everything is fine ❤️

The sonographer & midwives at the hospital for my growth scan were soooo helpful! They told me each area of baby they measured and showed me on a graph exactly how she’s measuring, such as head / stomach / thigh bones. It really helped having the scan they should take you through it all then and there! I think I waited a little bit in between scan & the midwives checking the report but it really didn’t take long! Maybe an hour and a bit all in? Xx

Hey mama’s @Lula @saff @Keeleigh and @Georgia, thank you so much for your kind words and reassurances thought I’d give you all an update: So I went for my growth scan this morning and turns out baby is measuring absolutely fine. Currently on 66.6th centile. At first the sonographer did mention me redoing my GTT again but when she plotted baby’s measurements on the chart she said everything was fine. I’m so relieved!!! She said it could be baby’s position or just that my belly is just appearing bigger because I’m so petite. Thank you all again for helping me not worry!

Ahhh I’m so pleased for you!! 🥰

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