Making them feel ashamed is making them fart in private, it’s a natural thing, if doctors not concerned then don’t worry about it. Maybe teach them to say pardon me ?
Sorry but we need to collectively agree to stop attaching shame to natural bodily functions. Seeking privacy is teaching that we should feel shame. At 3 years old I don't think there's ever an inappropriate place to fart... just let them do it! 💨😂 Personally when my 3 yo does one, I'll comment on it "goodness! That was a big one!" We'll giggle and then I say pardon you, and she says pardon me. We do the same for burps.
Just let them do it 💨 it’s a normal bodily function. Holding it in can get very painful and cause trapped wind
Do you go to the bathroom every time you need to fart? I sure don't - if it's really bad I blame my baby LOL but when he's old enough, no shame, it's a natural thing!
I don't make my kids go the toilet when they need to fart... But I do get them to say 'excuse me' afterwards and same goes for burps... We all laugh and giggle at farts in this house but also explain it's not good or nice to do it on people, but no go the toilet is a no if they need to then they need to
When they start school they're not going to be able to pop out of the room every 10 minutes so best to teach them how to do it quietly
@Rachel you can’t teach someone to fart quietly let alone a child 😂
My son farts all the time 🤷♀️ it's normal
When my kids fart they usually try to look at me prior because we all look at each other and laugh saying “ewww stinky butt” lmao
I agree it is a body function, just like burping and smelly armpits. Having manners involves managing these inevitable things from bothering others. If you don't plan on teaching your child, that's OK, each family has a choice. But I am looking for advice from the ones who care about it.
It’s just a thing that happens unfortunately whether we like it or not…you can’t hold it and especially not at that can cause issues.
@Shannon what age?
Turn it into something cute. For the longest every time my daughter would fart I’d call out big toots and now she does it too. Downside is she calls out “mommy toots!”.
I mean if they are just letting it rip and it’s loud and bubbly I think that’s kinda rude to do in public but a three year old would be excused. Teach them to say excuse me and then act like nothing happened. Maybe by 5 I would let them know that not everyone wants to smell your farts and talk to them about going to an empty space or bathroom to let it out. My 11 year old will fart and won’t admit to it until you call him out. This is a regular occurrence.
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Having manners is nothing to do with farting or doing it quietly either your saying he does it alot so u expect them to go everytime theyll never be out the toilet
@Maddie we do exactly the same! My little one is forever popping 🤣
I'm never teaching my daughter to fart in private. It's a natural bodily function. I will teach her when she's about 8 that there are times where it may not be appropriate as it's not something everyone is okay with
As if people go to the toilet every time they fart never mind teaching a child to do that!? Insane! Must be an American thing?😂
Hahahah what is this post🤣🤣 it’s a fart😂😂😂
lol this post is wild. So y’all are just standing around people conversing, farting loud and then continuing your conversations? I don’t think going to the restroom every time you have gas is the answer but teaching social awareness and teaching them to step away from others to pass gas is normal behavior. If someone just stood next to me and farted and burped I would consider them rude. If a little fart slips and they say excuse me I’m not making a big deal about it but just to let all your gas out anywhere and anytime is out of line lol
@Lana now that you mention it that is one of the first things I noticed in the UK: the 💩 smell in venues. You name it bars, restaurants, theater, of course pubs, classrooms, gym... Anywhere. People have zero restraint, neatness or modesty. 🐽 Thank god it is not like that everywhere.
Where are you from? Fairyville?
@Shannon clearly that sounds like something out of reality for you.
Coming from a county that doesn't know their arse from their elbow and get confused when the rest of the world don't celebrate on the 4th July is really saying something 😂
Just let them do it? It’s a natural thing