I never found them that fit very well. Even the little windows next to the big windows. If you're keeping the car then get the windows tinted is a much better option x
Ahhh that’s annoying Yeah where it’s a 3 foot you can’t slip anything over the window and the standard shades are too big. Might see if if I can get them tinted then. Thank you girls x
3 door .**
If you are in Australia snapshades they send based on the model . You select the model they are magnetic and fit perfectly https://snapshades.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ads&utm_campaign=brand_search&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC_h1CNMe1sAYLaUaMdpBvRdRLhv4&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4-y8BhC3ARIsAHmjC_HkUbG1SKKSvHq_OnlRqE75E-aYF09Ip1PIhl26-GbIHirpImllMQoaAl3uEALw_wcB
You can get the ones that slip over the whole window… Argos do window socks