I got the Paraguard inserted (hormone free IUD) until my cycle returned. Then I removed it and just cycle tracked instead.
Track your cycle.
Could he consider getting a vasectomy? After this pregnancy, I really want to avoid getting pregnant again. I've tried various birth control methods, such as the depo shot, the ring, and pills, but I don’t like the way they affect my body. Chewing Plan B pills definitely isn’t the most pleasant option either, haha! I really dislike that the responsibility for birth control often falls on women. I'm really hoping my husband will opt for a vasectomy.
@Gina that wouldn’t be a good option if they want another child, since it’s permanent! OP, the patch or the Nuvaring might be good options if you don’t want to deal with taking a pill but don’t want something that lasts as long as the implant or IUD!
Withdrawal or barrier are the options my doctor offered
If you don't want another baby soon you should use some form of birth control. Even condoms.